Hi all - great to see lots of new faces here! I just did a resort of all the post-its we created in the ServDes workshop to see which topics we discussed and how popular they were. This should be able to help us in starting the first discussions on specific topics. It ended up something like this:

We will come back to you with more details on the topics and connections, but the clusters with their number of post-its are:
Supervisors: 29
Methodolgy: 16
Research question: 15
Publishing & publishing strategies: 15
Review-issues: 11
Building a personal network: 9
Approach: 8
Funding: 8
Outcomes of Service Design research: 6
Credibility in other fields: 6
Audience of research results: 6
Models for PhD execution: 3
Service theory: 1
As you probably has seen Minka has posted the questions you left for your peers on the business cards as you left. Please feel free to start answering them!
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